“Would the galaxy be better off without Jedi?”
Hello there! The Corellian Korean here with the twelfth RANDOM QUESTION SUNDAY! And the question is:
Would the galaxy be better off without Jedi?
This question was posed to me by an acquaintance that used to enjoy Star Wars but was turned away after THE LAST JEDI. I think he meant this question as a joke knowing any fan would have trouble giving a straight answer. This question is a tough one but I aim to please. I will try to answer any and all questions here on RANDOM QUESTION SUNDAY. So have at it!
My time is limited so I will try my best to give a reasonable response to this question.
I believe the Jedi are a force for good but they were flawed.
The Jedi were peace keepers in the Star Wars galaxy but they lost their way. They became too full of themselves after the Jedi Order held power in the galaxy for many years uncontested. The Jedi were certain that their sworn enemy, the Sith, were wiped out, never to return. They were blinded by their ego and could not see that the Sith were within their midst plotting their downfall. Sith Lord, Palpatine aka Darth Sidious saw this as an opportunity and exploited their blindness. He put his revenge plan into motion by positioning the peace keeping Jedi as Galactic Republic generals in a war against the Separatists. Now the Jedi were perceived as a war mongering order with great authority in the Republic. The Jedi dug their own graves when they tried to take down Chancellor Palpatine without due process of law or authorization from the Senate. In effect they became traitors of the Galactic Republic and were hunted down to near extinction. From their ranks, one of the most powerful Jedi Knights, Anakin Skywalker became a Sith Lord, Darth Vader. As Darth Vader, Anakin helped Palpatine hunt down the Jedi and form the galactic Empire. Through the Empire, many suffered and were oppressed by the Empire's authoritative grip. Some might say that this was the Jedi's fault. That they could've prevented the Empire if they were not so proud.
Some might go further and say the dogmatic ways of the Jedi Order created Darth Vader. As a Jedi, Anakin Skywalker was trained to suppress his emotions and abandon all attachments. That Jedi are not allowed to have a love relation or have personal attachments. If they do have these attachments, they cannot be Jedi. In effect, Anakin had to abandon his mother and he watched her die a horrible death. Anakin broke the Jedi code, married Padme Amidala and had children. Later Anakin had visions of Padme dying. The fear of losing Padme drove Anakin to find a way to prevent her death. Due to the Jedi Order's dogmatic ways, Anakin felt trapped and did not turn to the Jedi for help. Instead he turned to his longtime friend and mentor Chancellor Palapatine who was secretly a Sith. On top of that the Jedi did not trust Anakin due to his bond with the Chancellor. This distrust created a great rift between Anakin and the Jedi Order. When the time came to choose between executing Palpatine or saving him, Anakin chose the latter and betrayed the Jedi. Some fans believe that if the Jedi Order were more flexible and trusted Anakin that he would have chosen to side with Jedi and tried to find a solution to Padme's future with them.
Once the Jedi Order disappeared, the values of the Jedi prevailed in the form of a new Jedi. The one Jedi being Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker's son. As a Jedi, Luke helped to halt Palpatine's Empire and redeemed his father, Darth Vader. Luke prevailed even though he had attachments and he had the trust of all his friends.
That's all the time I can give for this RANDOM QUESTION SUNDAY. I hope you enjoyed #12. If you did enjoy this post then please consider subscribing to receive notifications for future content. Also leave a like and comment. All of your support and viewership is greatly appreciated. Until next time, may the Force be with you. I have spoken.