Dec 3, 2022
"Obedience Disk"
Hello all! The Corellian Korean here with the latest Visual Graphic. Thank you for the wait. The second installment is finally here! I am getting closer to a visual style I want to produce on a regular basis. If things go according to plan, I may be able to start on more ambitious projects.
In this piece, I tried to capture the moment when #37 places the Obedience Disk on the Quarren Gunman. I wanted to do more with this art piece but due to time constraints I will have to settle for this. I may come back and add more design elements in a future installment. For now, please enjoy this piece. Until next time, may the Force be with you. Always!
Thank you 포일김 for your kind words. I'm glad you agree with the Stormtrooper's visual esthetic.
Your art looks fantastic! Stormtrooper looks so cool