Sep 21, 2022
"In A Galaxy Far, Far Away..."
One day, a 6-year-old boy stumbled upon his dad's collection of Star Wars Miniatures. He picked up one of the biggest boxes with an illustration of Obi-wan Kenobi and General Grievous on the cover. The boy took the boardgame-like-box to his father to inquire about it.
The father smiled and revealed the contents of the box. Inside were many painted 34mm miniatures of characters from the Star Wars universe along with stat cards, a 20-sided die, grided board and a rule booklet.
There was Luke Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Boba Fett, Imperial Guards, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Stormtroopers and more! Father explained that Star Wars Miniatures was a tabletop game with complex rules. The boy didn't understand so the father proceeded to demonstrate how to play the game. The father let the boy look at the miniatures. The child held a Stormtrooper and a chrome armored Sith Lord to his face for closer examination. He wondered who they were and what their stories were.
What is the boy's name, you ask? From now on, I will refer to the inquisitive 6-year-old boy as "#37" and we will recognize the boy's father as yours truly, your humble narrator, The Corellian Korean. Step by step, I demonstrated each aspect of the game separately until #37 understood all of the mechanics of the game like movement, taking turns, adding up attack points with additional points from a 20-sided die to dealing damage to a target opponent. #37 counted his digits like a 6-year-old should so I used this opportunity to improve #37's addition skills. Together we practiced adding up points whenever we played Star Wars Miniatures, or SWM, together. In a span of a month, #37's counting skills improved, and he learned how to count without using his fingers or counting aid. I felt the boy was ready to play in a real skirmish.
And I will end this post here. This marks #37's introduction to the Star Wars universe! I hope you enjoyed this prelude. Join us next week as I recount how #37 got his name and how he started his fantasy adventure. Until then... May the Force be with you. Always!
[Edited: Corrections]