Jan 5, 2023
"The Commander"
Hey gang! It's a been FOUR weeks since I posted an episode for CHRONICLES OF #37. Sorry for the lack of transparency. I'm still new to the whole social media experience. It's not easy juggling a day job and creating content on a consistent basis. I already talked about my creative fatigue in the last RANDOM QUESTION SUNDAY 009. So, without further ado, let's get back into the fray!
In the last episode of the CHRONICLES OF #37, our protagonist was alerted of a potential threat by his trusted Droid companion G2. Trooper #37 anticipated that the Hutt crime lord would send a greater threat. And Jabba keeps his promises.
Story Time
#37 pulled up the data pad to his face. The display changed to a video feed from the auto-turrets. One, two, three... twenty assailants. They came in greater number and they brought muscle. Two of them were pros... a Devaronian and a Rodian. They were giving out orders, leading Jabba's footmen. Probably small time bounty hunters looking to score some easy creds. Those scum won't know what hit them.
#37 had all morning to think about how to react to these unwelcomed intruders. Now it was time to make a formal introduction to the opposing players.
Let's thin out their numbers. He turned to G2 with a hand motioned toward the center of the intruders.
"Once they are within range, engage auto-turrets. Cut them down at the middle and break their ranks."
G2 beeped in acknowledgement then it's eye changed colors.
The auto-turrets can be heard from a distance. A steady volley of blaster bolts gunned down four men in the middle. Five men scattered to flee while the remaining eleven tried to find cover. The Devaroninan shot down two of the five deserters. The enemy were now pinned down and divided into two smaller groups.
Nine out of twenty downed, three of which ran away. Eleven to go.
Facing these thugs would be easy compared to the rigorous training CC-2224 would dish out. That clone commander's hate for non-clone soldiers manifested in his training regiment. None of the cadets met the Commander's expectations... until #37 came around. All of the other cadets either quit or they requested to be reassigned to another platoon. Only Biggs Darklighter and #37 remained in the end of Imperial academy training. Only the best and the brightest would graduate under the Commander and become potential candidates to serve in the 501st.
Biggs had a natural propensity for piloting so after the academy he joined the royal navy. But he liked to talk a lot and was more stubborn than a mynock on a power cable. Always questioning the Commander's orders and getting us into trouble. The Commander would give the platoon harsher training as a result. Biggs and the Commander were like a team, they thinned out the cadets until there were only the Commander, Biggs and #37. Somehow Biggs and #37 survived the academy. Came out stronger men they did. #37 was ready to serve the Empire but Biggs had other plans. Always divergent from what was laid before him.
#37 wondered how that laser brain was doing as a polite.
He smiled thinking about the many lessons he retained from Commander Cody's stern tutelage. At the end of the academy, they earned the privilege to call the Commander by his preferred name, "Cody". Commander Cody told Biggs and #37 his handle as a parting gift for graduation. Cody even managed to solute and wink at #37.
This one's for you Cody.
"Keep them distracted. Fire in random sequences so the enemy cannot react effectively. This maneuver will give my squad cover to strike. I will takes XYZ to flank the group on the left. G2 control the rest of the recruits to flank from the right side."
To be continued
That's it for this episode of CHRONICLES OF #37. Thank you for the wait. I hope you enjoyed this installment. If you liked this episode, please leave a like and comment. All of your likes and comments are greatly appreciated. And if you want to receive email notifications about our latest postings then subscribe to Star Wars News Korea, home of CHRONICLES OF #37. Hope you have a excellent weekend. Until next, may the Force be with you. Always!
Previous Episode & Rules If you want to view the previous episodes, then browse the PAST POSTS at the very bottom of this post. If you want to read the RULES for the Star Wars Miniatures game, you can check out this link from SWGamers.com:https://www.swmgamers.com/PDF/Rules/Rulebook_CloneWars.pdf