Jan 12, 2023
"Ion Guns"
In the last episode of the CHRONICLES OF #37, our protagonist made a tactical maneuver to take down the invading threat from Jabba's thugs plus a Rodian and Devaronian bounty hunters. Seemed like #37 had everything under control but sometimes in life we encounter unforeseeable circumstances that can throw a hydrospanner into our plans.
Story Time
As #37 was dividing up the recruits to flank the enemy intruders, G2 sent a message via the datapad to point out that the arsenal that the intruders were carrying were problematic. Most of the short hooded assailants were Jawas. It seemed the Hutts were not picky about who they employed for their operations. The Jawas were infamous for their custom ion guns which they utilized to bring down stray droids with ease and anything with circuitry in them including auto-turrets. However their range is limited so they need to get closer to do major damage to the turrets. Indeed Ion weapons can cripple the enemy if used efficiently. Cody talked about how Ion based weapons were still relatively new technology during the Clone Wars and were powerful enough to bring down Star Destroyers. How Jawa's got their hairy-mits on such powerful tech was a mystery.
Mission Objectives: Jawa Juice
1. Stop the Jawas from disabling the auto-turrets with their Ion guns. Their are a total of four auto-turrets, one at each corner of the outpost. If all the turrets are disabled, then the mission will be forfeited. Trooper #37 must survive.
2. Each turret has 40 HP but they can only receive damage from the Jawas. Their Ion guns can deal damage to the turrets if they can get within 6 squares of the target. Each Ion gun shot to a turret counts as 20 Damage.
3. Each auto-turret counts as #37's ally. They behave like regular characters with the same benefits however they are stationary and must follow regular targeting rules to deal damage or combine fire. Also note that they are considered "Large". A Large character (such as a Yuzzem) occupies a space 2 squares wide and 2 squares long. Read below for their stats.
4. #37 and his allies must defeat all the Jawas and both of the bounty hunters to win. Only characters defeated by #37 can be turned into adjunct recruits via the Obedience Disk. The newly captured recruits will immediately join your team during this mission. After an enemy character is defeated, they will resume play next round as your ally from the position they were defeated.
Enemy Stats:
Jawa (x6)
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 11
Attack: 4
Damage: 10
Ion Gun: This character gets a +20 bonus to Damage against Droid enemies and +10 bonus Damage against mechanized turrets. Turrets must be within 6 squares to be targeted.
Quarren Raider (X3)
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: 4
Damage: 10
Charging Fire: Replace turn: This character may move up to 12 squares, then attack.
Deadeye: On this character's turn, if he doesn't move, he gets +10 Damage.
Devaronian Bount Hunter
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: +5
Damage: 10
Bounty Hunter +4: This character gets +4 Attack against Unique enemies.
Double Attack: On its turn, if this character attacks without moving first, it then has the option either to move normally or to make an extra attack. The extra attack can be against the same enemy as the original attack, but it doesn’t have to be. Since this special ability works only on its turn, this character still makes only a single attack when making an attack of opportunity.
Back Kick: If this character is hit by a melee attack, it can make an immediate attack against that attacker.
Greedo, The Rodian Bounty Hunter
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: 6
Damage: 10
Bounty Hunter +4: This character gets +4 Attack against Unique enemies.
Cunning Attack: This character gets +4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round.
Who Shot First: Once per round, if this character is hit by a nonmelee attack, it can make an immediate attack against that attacker. However, this character's immediate attack damage must be applied first before the attacker and Greedo's Attack is reduced by -5 for this immediate attack.
Ally Stats
Trooper 37
Hit Points: 50
Attack: +6
Defense: 17
Damage: 10
Unique: This character is one of a kind a.
Obedience Disks: If you defeat a non-droid non-unique enemy, they can join your squad in the next skirmish.
Guardian R2 Unit or G2
Hit Points: 10
Attack: +1
Defense: 15
Damage: 10
Melee Attack: This character can attack only enemies adjacent to it.
Experimental Droid: Indestructible. Other details are undisclosed.
Guardian: If an enemy targets an ally within 12 squares of this character, you can force that enemy to target this character instead (does not matter if the enemy can choose this character as a target). The attacker can resist this effect with a save of 11. Ignore all obstructions when counting distance.
Auto-Turret (x4)
Hit Points: 40 Attack: +12 Defense: 18 Damage: 10
Immobile: This character can cannot move.
Double Attack: On its turn, this character can make one extra attack instead of moving.
Quarren Gunman
Cost: 10
Hit Points: 20
Attack: +7
Defense: 13
Damage: 10
Cunning Attack: This character gets a +4 bonus to Attack and a +10 bonus to Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round.
Ithorian Henchman
Cost: 5 Hit Points: 20 Attack: +4 Defense: 11 Damage: 10 Abilities
Melee Attack: This character can attack only enemies adjacent to it. Stealth: If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker is farther than 6 squares when choosing targets.
Nautolan Gunman
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 12
Attack: 4
Damage: 10
Double Attack: On its turn, this character can make one extra attack instead of moving.
Nikto Gunman
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 14
Attack: 2
Damage: 10
Sniper: Other characters do not provide cover against this character's attack.
Gotal Gunman
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 13
Attack: 6
Damage: 10
Ion Gun 20: This character gets a +20 bonus to Damage against Droid enemies and mechanized turrets.
Gran Hitman
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 13
Attack: 2
Damage: 10
Melee Attack: This character can attack only enemies adjacent to it.
Mobile Attack: Can move both before and after attacking, up to a total of 6 squares.
Stealth: If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker is farther than 6 squares when choosing targets.
Chagrian Mercenary Captain
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 16
Attack: 8
Damage: 10
Commander Effect:
Obedience Disk NERF - Commander Effects are disabled
Ishi Tib Gunslinger
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: 6
Damage: 10
Double Attack: On its turn, this character can make one extra attack instead of moving.
Evade: Whenever this character is hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, it can avoid the damage with a save of 11.
To be continued
That's it for this episode of CHRONICLES OF #37. I hope you enjoyed this installment. If you liked this episode, please leave a like and comment. All of your likes and comments are greatly appreciated. And if you want to receive email notifications about our latest postings then subscribe to Star Wars News Korea, home of CHRONICLES OF #37. Hope you have a excellent weekend. Until next, may the Force be with you. Always!
Previous Episode & Rules If you want to view the previous episodes, then browse the PAST POSTS at the very bottom of this post. If you want to read the RULES for the Star Wars Miniatures game, you can check out this link from SWGamers.com:https://www.swmgamers.com/PDF/Rules/Rulebook_CloneWars.pdf