Oct 6, 2022
"PART TWO - Choosing Your Path"
If you didn't read PART ONE then take a minute to read that post first:
Now On With The Story!
Among the 6 sets, #37 had to choose one of the paths. Each path lead toward a distinct narrative that would dictate what #37 eventually becomes. I explained each path and tried make each path look appealing with their own merits.
For example, I explained the good guys of the stories rested with the Rebel Alliance... if #37 was a Rebel Agent he could befriend characters like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo fight against Stormtroopers, Vader, Emperor Palpatine and the rest of the Galactic Empire.
Or #37 chose the three sentient B1 Battle Droids. The Battle Droids story could branch off into many paths like how they can grow in number and be a hive mind. Or they could evolve into a singular entity similar to a cybernetic warrior like General Grievous.
Or he could become a badass lightsaber wielding mystical warrior, the protectors of peace and practitioners of the Jedi arts.
However, this was #37's first time seeing these characters. He only saw all six Star Wars movies once. He knew nothing about its deep lore, nor does he have much experience with the science fantasy genre in general. However, he chose to play this game and #37 looked at all the characters with equal curiosity.
He liked all of their backgrounds; he especially liked the Droid path. He liked the cool sculpt of General Grievous and wanted to grow an army Battle Droids. He also examined the sculpts of the Stormtroopers, #37 felt an affinity for the cool looking yet simple designs of the black and white armored warriors as they held their guns at the ready. Heck he even thought Assaj Ventress' dual lightsabers were badass.
I tried to influence his choice and make the Jedi look the coolest. I emphasized that the main character of Star Wars was a Jedi and showed him Luke Skywalker. The guy who clashes swords with the Sith samurai warrior, Darth Vader. Of course, #37 thought Vader looked cooler than Luke.
I also tried to make him choose the Republic Clone Trooper path and showed him two Mandalorian sculpts: Jango and Boba Fett! #37 thought Fett's Mandalorian armor looked appealing. I told #37 that Fett was my personal pick. I tried to sell this guy but... #37 knew what he wanted.
His choices came down to the Mandalorians, General Grievous and Stormtroopers. It seems he based his final decision on the sculpt designs. He compared how each path starts and ends. To my surprise #37's final decision went to the Stormtroopers.
He asked me what the path of the Stormtrooper represented. So, I dug deep into the lore and explained...
Stormtroopers are like the police or soldiers in military service. They serve the law, protect the peace and stability of the Galactic Empire. They are very loyal to their service and are great in number. Some even serve under great leaders like General Veers and Lord Vader. They would execute any order given to them... no matter the cost. Each Stormtrooper is given a designation number and they use those identification numbers with great pride as they are earned by completing their training in the coveted Imperial Academy. Not all are chosen to serve and dawn black and white armor. For the Stormtrooper, they can fight without worry for harm of their family or loved ones as their identification number hides their name, the helmet hides their identity sort of like a superhero. For some, serving the Empire represents a higher calling and is a service to their home and people. Stormtroopers are the proud elite soldiers of the Empire. May your aim be true.
While I was talking about the Stormtrooper... #37 was examining the end result of the Stormtrooper path. He was carefully looking at the sculpt of the Sandtrooper on Dewback. He intimately inspected the Trooper mounted on the behemoth lizard.
At that moment, #37 saw his destiny in this soldier and dinosaur duo.
I tried really hard to make him change his mind knowing this decision will be permanent. I told him more about the Jedi and Mandalorians but... he made up his mind. He wanted to be a Stormtrooper... so I acknowledged his final decision.
Then we chose a name for #37's first fantasy character... RS 3760. Or "#37" for short.
How did we decide on his name? Sorry but I am short on time, so I'll stop the story here. I will explain how #37 got his name next time.
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[Edited: Corrections]