Nov 10, 2022
"Showdown At The Edge Of Mos Espa"
In the last episode, we had a closer look at Trooper 37's Guardian R2 Unit and the criminals #37 is to apprehend. We also looked at the latest mission assigned by Research & Development.
(If you want to view the previous episodes check out the links at the end of this post.) Finally, all the players have been revealed to begin #37's first skirmish. #37 is familiar with the rules since he has been training at that the imperial academy in small scale simulations. If you want to read the rules for Star Wars Miniatures, you can check out this link from Now let me introduce the map that #37 will play on:
This is a repurposed map from Star Wars Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast. The map was customized from the original Mos Eisley map to suit the narrative of a manhunt at Mos Espa.
As you can see from the map, Trooper 37 and his Guardian R2 Unit will start from the right side of the map. While the Ithorian Gunman and Quarren Henchman will start from the left side. #37 is positioned on the outskirts of the city to indicate that he is entering Mos Espa to begin his manhunt for the wanted criminals.
Story Time
After reading the datapad from R&D, the Guardian R2 Unit signals Trooper 37 to follow it to the backside of the outpost. #37 is led to the logistics bay of the single structure, where a brand new Aratech 74-Z speeder bike rested. Upon closer inspection, the speeder bike had several modifications. It had a custom sidecar harness for the Guardian R2 Unit to mount itself on and the control console looked different. Before Trooper 37 could touch the bike, the experimental droid attaches itself to the speed bike. Immediately, a holographic projection appears at the control console of the bike between the handles.
A string of text scrolled across the projection display. The speeder bike's computer was translating the droid's inflections. The Guardian R2 Unit greeted #37 and introduced itself as "G2", that was the nickname it's creator gave the droid. When communicating, G2's words were short and efficient. It went straight to business and indicated that it was time to begin the manhunt for the 2 wanted criminals.
G2 tells #37 to use the datapad to find the criminals. The datapad has a detailed log of all the criminal activities that have been reported by the locals. It even predicted where the Quarren and Ithorian were at this very moment. With that #37 prepped the Obedience Disks, the R&D datapad, a standard issue E-11 blaster rifle and other logistics. He got on the speeder bike and rode into the empty desert scenery of Tatooine. Next stop Mos Espa.
After several hours, #37 can make out a silhouette of a sunken city. G2 trills that they have arrived at their destination. They dismount the speeder bike and go the rest of the way on foot. This way they can avoid detection and get the jump on the Hutt errand runners before they have any thoughts of running away.
Now Trooper #37 can enjoy his first skirmish.
Here are the stats once again, in case you want to try this skirmish from home.
Trooper 37
Cost: +5 Hit Points: 40
Attack: +5
Defense: 16
Damage: 10
Unique: This character is one of a kind and has a given name, such as Obi-Wan Kenobi. You cannot have more than one Unique character with the same given name in your squad. Different versions of the same character have slightly different names, but all of them count as that character for purposes of this ability. For example, “General Grievous,” “General Grievous, Supreme Commander,” “General Grievous, Jedi Hunter,” and “Grievous’s Wheel Bike” all count as “General Grievous.” Where there is the possibility of confusion, the card text specifies the name this character counts as.
Obedience Disks: If you defeat a non-droid non-unique enemy, they can join your squad in the next skirmish.
Guardian R2 Unit or G2
Cost: ???
Hit Points: 10
Attack: +0
Defense: 0
Damage: 0
Experimental Droid: Indestructible. Other details are undisclosed.
Guardian: If an enemy targets an ally within 12 squares of this character, you can force that enemy to target this character instead (does not matter if the enemy can choose this character as a target). The attacker can resist this effect with a save of 11. Ignore all obstructions when counting distance.
Quarren Gunman
Cost: 10
Hit Points: 20
Attack: +7
Defense: 13
Damage: 10
Cunning Attack: This character gets a +4 bonus to Attack and a +10 bonus to Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round. Ithorian Henchman Cost: 5 Hit Points: 20 Attack: +4 Defense: 11 Damage: 10 Abilities
Melee Attack: This character can attack only enemies adjacent to it.
Stealth: If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for choosing targets if the attacker is more than 6 squares away. A character can attack an enemy with cover only if that enemy is the nearest. If this character would be the nearest enemy, the next-nearest enemy counts as the nearest instead. Follow the normal rules for cover if the character with Stealth is within 6 squares of the attacker.
That's it for this episode.
If you liked this episode of CHRONICLES OF #37, please leave a comment and subscribe. Let me know what you think of my content in the comments. Thank you for stopping by this corner of the outter rim. Until next time. Maybe the Force be with you. Always!
If you want to view the previous episodes, then check out the links below: Episode 001:
Episode 002:
Episode 003:
Episode 004:
Episode 005:
Episode 006: Episode 007: [Edited: Corrections]